Digital Signage Product Introduction: TELANA
TELANA is our new digital signage solution that enables an "offline" shopping experience with optimized customer care for as many individuals as possible.
Barriers denote obstacles that are not just structural. Telereal tries to minimize these and considers those desired factors when designing your projects.
An elementary point for a self-determined life is mobility, which is made available through the integration of digitality in public space, in particular the public transport network, in order to reduce barriers.
The aim is to "eliminate or prevent discrimination against people with disabilities, thereby ensuring the equal participation of people with disabilities in the life of society and enabling them to lead a self-determined lifestyle" (BGStG, 2005: S. 1).
Offering information in the "two-senses principle" (optical-acoustic, tactile-acoustic, etc.) and in the "design for all" are means to reduce barriers, because according to the micro census survey of Statistics Austria in 2008 about 20.5% of the resident population in private households a permanent impairment. This is an estimated 1.7 million people.
► NAP (2012-2020)
► BGStG (2005): Federal Disability Equality Act, 82nd Federal Law, Vienna. [German]
► Statistik Austria, Mikrocensus 2007 [German]
► ÖNORM B 1600: “Accessible built environment - Design principles” [German]
Linked with ÖNORM 1600:
► ÖNORM B 1601: “Accessible healthcare facilities, assistive housing and workplaces - Design principles” [German]
► ÖNORM B 1602: “Accessible educational institutions - Planning principles” [German]
► ÖNORM B 1603: “Accessible facilities for tourism and leisure - Design principles” [German]
► ÖNORM EN 81-70: "Safety rules for the construction and installations of lifts - Particular applications for passenger and good passengers lifts - Part 70: Accessibility to lifts for persons including persons with disability (consolidated version)” [German]
► ÖNORM V2101: "Technical aids for visually impaired and blind persons - Tactile ground surface indicators - Part 1: For pavements in buildings and in the public area at speeds not higher than 80 km/h" [German]
► ÖNORM A3011: "Graphic symbols for public information - General principles" [German]
► ÖNORM A 3012: "Visual guiding systems for public information - Orientation supported by directional arrows, graphic symbols, text, light and colour" [German]